Why develop construction drawings in BIM?

Why develop construction drawings in BIM?

This third decade of the third millennium will witness a shift from analog processes to processes that are fully digitized, with massive data feeds.

The BIM methodology presents itself as a reasonable means to carry out this transformation, not only from incorporating technology but also through change in processes and culture, allowing for better collaboration and ultimately greater integration between construction and asset management.

At Axet, we work every day to improve people's quality of life. We understand that a well executed executive project will contribute to this end. Why? Because an optimal executive project will allow the built infrastructure to be of higher quality and to have a longer useful life, which will have a greater impact on the comfort of the final users. 

As fewer incidents are generated on site, temporary and economic deviations are reduced, so that the contracting party (client) will have a budget surplus that can be used to better equip the infrastructure or even to build new ones.

The market is increasingly aware of this trend and our clients often ask us a series of questions that we intend to answer in this article.

1. What are the advantages of carrying out the executive project in BIM?

Greater efficiency. 

Within the BIM methodology we find intelligent tools and complements that save repetitive work. In this way, the desired results are achieved with a lower involvement of resources (time and costs).

Higher quality. 

  • When working on three-dimensional models, errors arise with greater clarity. 

  • Entities are unique elements in space, which guarantees coordination between graphics and alerts. 

  • Information extraction is faster, which facilitates analysis and correction. 

  • Conflicts and incidents are resolved in early stages, improving the final result. 

  • Interoperability between softwares allows submitting projects to a greater number and complexity of analysis (energy, accessibility, evacuation, security, etc.), thus achieving higher quality designs.

Early decisions. 

Carrying out the executive project in BIM allows and requires early decision making, thus improving the final design result. Prototypes allow us to study solutions until reaching the ideal one from all angles (design, time, maintenance, safety, energy, etc.).

Greater coordination between disciplines.

Analysis software allows us to identify conflicts efficiently and effectively.

Greater precision for purchasing. 

All components can be clearly identified and quantified.

Automated extraction of metrics and amounts. 

Between 70-80% of the measurements can be obtained from the models without major difficulty.

Greater definition in engineering. 

The graphics of several of the engineering works are no longer diagrams but a precise reflection of the installations. In addition to reducing the lack of definition, this provides greater clarity to the installers, reducing construction times.

2. Is it true that an executive project in BIM takes more time compared to the traditional method (CAD)? Why?

Yes, the main reason is that decisions that were previously made on site are now made at the design stage.

As an example, an executive project of 1,500 m2 that in CAD can take 1 month, in BIM can take 1.5 months, or even 2 months. 

In order to extract information from a model, a model must be generated, and this will always be more complex than generating two-dimensional drawings. You have to generate the whole project. Not only what we are interested in showing. 

A clear example is presented with the solution of a detail. When working two-dimensionally, there was a tendency to make the detail and mention that it applied to an entire area. However, when working on a model, that detail must be applied to that entire area, which takes more time and may, in turn, generate new conflicts that will also have to be solved. 

This clearly reflects the concept of "building before building". 

It is true that once we have the model, we will be able to extract information with greater ease and speed. In turn, the information will be homogeneous, coherent and automatic. If we make changes we will have a total update.

It is also true that there are tools and configurations within BIM software that can speed up the work, for example, the creation of spreadsheets, the use of preconfigured visualizations or even the use of intelligent objects. But this efficiency does not compensate for the need to make early and coordinated decisions among the different stakeholders.

3. Are projects better if they are done in BIM?

Yes, we believe that they are better because working with this methodology forces you to make decisions in certain steps, to improve processes, to a greater integration of disciplines and consistency of information.

4. Are executive projects in BIM the revolution that the industry was waiting for? It depends. All of the changes and improvements mentioned above depend on a team's ability to produce and use high-fidelity models that are rich in information. 

While BIM, by its very nature, is less error prone, any inefficiencies that infiltrate will significantly impact.

Therefore, training, experience, company assets, planning, risk management and information management are crucial aspects to be able to talk about a revolution.

5. What do I need to carry out an executive project in BIM?

In order to develop the executive project under the BIM methodology efficiently and effectively, it is necessary to have a trained and experienced team, with assets that optimize production and with processes designed to allow the best management of information among stakeholders.

We detail some assets that we believe are important for organizations to have, both to produce internally and to outsource:

  • Manuals, protocols and modeling guides. Only for internal production.

  • Production templates for the different disciplines.

  • Naming standard.

  • Responsibility assignment matrix.

  • Defined operational process.

We understand that these assets, as well as the experience mentioned above, are essential to work effectively, but the priority must be not to postpone the implementation and get started. 

6. How can Axet help with the development of an executive project?

At Axet we are specialists in this area, both when it comes to carrying out the executive project in BIM, where we have professionals with several years of experience and training, both in management and production, and when it comes to accompanying the team training process or the development of the aforementioned assets. 

We can collaborate in:

  • Developing the template of the BIM software used.

  • Partial development of the executive project (plants, elevations, sections and schedules).

  • Complete development of the executive project.

  • Consulting and follow-up. We establish the strategy, develop the BEP, audit the initial set-up, audit the progress and assist in the generation of assets.

  • Maintenance. Technical assistance in specific situations.

We invite you to contact us at hello@axetbim.com so we can advise you according to your company's needs.